Su negocio es único, y es por eso que merece atención individual y personal, especialmente cuando se trata de un reclamo de seguro. Al comprar su cobertura de seguro comercial, su agente pudo haber respondido preguntas sobre cómo funcionaba la póliza.
Sin embargo, si llega el momento de presentar un reclamo, no trabajará con su agente, sino con un ajustador. El ajustador que se envía para inspeccionar el daño generalmente funcionará para la compañía de seguros, no para usted. Por eso deberías llamarnos primero. No trabajamos para la compañía de seguros, trabajamos para que usted obtenga el acuerdo de seguro que usted y su compañía merecen.
Nuestro personal completo en People’s Insurance Claim Center ofrece una gran experiencia y experiencia a la hora de presentar y apoyar a nuestros clientes con Reclamos de Ingresos Comerciales, Pérdidas de Ingresos Comerciales y Propiedades Comerciales.
Aquí en PICC, contamos con un equipo de expertos altamente experimentados que consta de ajustadores con licencia, contadores forenses, contratistas y abogados que lo ayudarán con todos los detalles que están relacionados con la maximización de la liquidación de su reclamo, y no solo con la resolución de lo que la compañía de seguros te lo hubiera ofrecido.
Las pérdidas por reclamos comerciales suelen ser una experiencia muy difícil y agonizante para el dueño de un negocio. Pueden requerir atención a los detalles en los que hay muchas exclusiones, limitaciones y penalizaciones de coseguro, detalles que a menudo pueden ir en su contra. En nuestra experiencia, muchos propietarios de negocios no están familiarizados con su póliza de seguro y, debido a esto, a menudo están asegurados, o no tienen seguro.
Si no tiene sus propias valoraciones de su pérdida, podría estar sujeto a las de la compañía de seguros. Es posible que estos no sean suficientes para proporcionarle todos los fondos que necesita para restaurar completamente su propiedad comercial.
En PICC, somos un ajustador público. Por lo tanto, lo representamos a usted, el tomador del seguro. No solo manejaremos y maximizaremos su reclamo, sino que también serviremos para ser un analista de riesgos para usted antes de que ocurra una pérdida. Estamos aquí para guiarlo y representarlo desde el principio hasta el final. Manejamos una amplia variedad de reclamos comerciales, que incluyen:
Años En Negocio
Reclamos Exitosamente Arreglados
Años de Experiencia
PICC, Commercial Claims Adjuster
Commercial Property Insurance Claims FAQ's
What services do public adjusters in Miami offer?Public adjusters in Miami offer a variety of services, including: ​ Investigating and estimating losses Advising clients on their rights and options Negotiating with insurers on behalf of clients Preparing and filing insurance claims Representing clients in court proceedings, if necessary
How do I find in Miami ia reputable public adjuster?You may need the services of a public adjuster in Miami, Florida if you have suffered a large loss and need help negotiating with an insurance company. Keep in mind, however, that using a public adjuster comes at a cost. You should carefully weigh the costs and benefits of hiring one before making a decision.
How do I know if a public adjuster is licensed in Florida?In most states, public adjusters must be licensed by the state insurance department. You can check with your state insurance department to verify that a public adjuster is licensed in your state.
Will my insurance company pay for the services of a public adjuster?Most insurance policies do not cover the cost of hiring a public adjuster. You will likely have to pay these costs out of pocket.
How can I avoid being scammed by a public adjuster?There are several things you can do to avoid being scammed by a public adjuster, including: ​ Checking the public adjuster's license Asking for references Getting a written estimate of all fees Avoiding public adjusters who solicit business door-to-door or through mass mailings
I think my insurance company is using a lowball estimate to settle my claim. Can a public adjuster in Miami help me?If you believe your insurance company is using a lowball estimate to settle your claim, a Miami public adjuster can help you by: ​ Investigating your loss Determining the true value of your claim Negotiating with the insurance company on your behalf
What is a public insurance adjuster?A public insurance adjuster is a licensed professional who represents the interests of policyholders in insurance claims negotiations with insurance companies. Public adjusters work for a fee, which is usually a percentage of the settlement amount.
Do I need a public adjuster in Miami, Florida?You may need the services of a public adjuster in Miami, Florida if you have suffered a large loss and need help negotiating with an insurance company. Keep in mind, however, that using a public adjuster comes at a cost. You should carefully weigh the costs and benefits of hiring one before making a decision.
How do I find in Miami ia reputable public adjuster?There are several ways to find a reputable public adjuster, including: ​ Asking family and friends for recommendations Contacting your local Better Business Bureau Checking with professional organizations, such as the National Association of Public Insurance Adjusters (NAPIA)
How much does it cost to hire a public adjuster in Miami, Florida?Public adjusters in Miami, typically charge a percentage of the total settlement amount, which is usually between 15 and 20 percent. Some public adjusters may also charge an hourly rate. You should get a written estimate of all fees before hiring a public adjuster.
I'm not sure if I should file a claim with my insurance company. Can a public adjuster help me?A public adjuster can help you assess your situation and decide whether filing a claim is in your best interests. Keep in mind, however, that public adjusters typically only get paid if a claim is successful. Therefore, they may be more likely to encourage you to file a claim than to give impartial advice.